This thread has been nothing more then a place to spam or flame.
So can anyone close this thread because its useless.
:Our site was made by DracoFiend,he made this site for anyone who likes pokemon or for anyone who has heard about it or for anyone who wants to join.
-He didnt made this site for people to troll/spam/flame in it.
Also we should have a thread where all the rules are.(maybe in the update topic)
And Kingston we do not promote any misbehavior.
So dont do that in the future.
And finally GardevoirMan you could have ask him nicely and more politely and maybe he would have answered diffrently.
NOTE:I respect you and your forum/site but if you want to get respect by other dont flame/spam/troll etc
NOTE 1:Theres no harm in having more members or having sites/forums merge.
So apologies to DracoFiend and ask him nicely and i will support you in it and he may agree on it.